Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Cigar Lifestyle: Casino Etiquette

Whenever you enter a casino, there is a certain etiquette you must follow, a way of behaving that tells others, and yourself, that you belong. Some people do this by handcuffing themselves to their money-filled briefcase while others, such as my father, do this by handcuffing themselves to something less obvious and way cooler, such as a fanny pack. But casino etiquette isnt just about how you carry your cash, its also about how you behave the entire time you are inside a money-making establishment. In order to truly be welcomed in a casino, you have to play your cards right in more than one way.

Tip Everyone: Casinos run on money (insert duh here) and many of the people employed make their money off of tips. For this reason, its important to tip everyone who provides you with assistance: the bell hop, the concierge, the cocktail waitress, the blackjack dealer who just busted, allowing you to collect big on your 200 dollar bet. Not only does this help them out, but it also helps you out: casinos remember people who tip well and they reward them with things like free rooms or free meal vouchers.

Dont Linger at the Slots: Lingering over a game of blackjack or a game of craps is one thing, lingering over a slot machine is a completely different thing. When you do this, not only do you make the person playing nervous no one, sans Paris Hilton, wants to be watched intently but you also come across as someone who is letting someone else put in all the money, so you can swoop in and win the big payoff. Even if this is your intent, its typically frowned upon, if not by the casino then by the person sitting in front of the slot machine, losing all their savings.

Dont be That Guy or Girl: Sure, casinos are full of alcohol, free alcohol. For this reason, being in a casino and not drinking can only mean three things: youre underage, youre pregnant, or youre crazy. Though the alcohol flows in a casino like water, you still need to be careful that you dont drink so much you start making a fool of yourself. Casinos are packed with cameras and security guards and acting extremely intoxicated, dancing on the poker table, or grabbing chips from the blackjack dealer as just a joke will result in an encounter with the pit boss, and probably expulsion from the venue. Its also a good idea, no matter how much alcohol you drink and how much cash you lose, not to ask for your money back: turns out, they wont give it to you.

Be Careful Where you Use Cell Phones: Cell phones in casinos are fine to use, you just have to be careful where you use them. Sitting at a bar, playing at a slot machine, or standing outside the game tables are fine places to reach out and touch someone, but sitting at a poker table or a blackjack table and talking on your cell phone will result in you being asked to leave. Dealers and pit bosses are pre-programmed to believe that everyone is cheating, and talking on a cell phone while playing a card game perpetuates this fear. Save yourself some trouble by simply not bringing your phone to the tables.

Casinos are a fun place to go. You can win big, drink freely, and easily get caught up in the moment. But, remember that casinos also have etiquette: follow the unwritten rules and dont make your behavior your biggest gamble yet.

Jennifer Jordan is an editor and staff writer for At home in a design firm in Denver, Colorado, she writes articles specific to the finer things in life.Vita Blog95398
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